Efaz's Roblox Verified Badge Add-on

3,000+ users
Coursera: Learn career skills 4+
Bestseller Matthew Perry Autobiography - Books | Color: Gold
Amazon International Version - Kindle – The Lightest and Most Compact Kindle, Now with A 6” 300 Ppi High-resolution Display, and 2x The Storage – Denim
Amazon Tablets & Accessories | Fire 7 Amazon Tablet For Sale | Color: Black | Size: Os | Yesenia21315's Closet
Beach Day Demure - Silver
Brina's Fruitcake Sabrina Carpenter Pin

This extension allows you to visually insert the Roblox Verified Badge onto your Roblox profile/groups on the Roblox Website!

Disclaimers that are important to know:
1. Please know that this is a visual effect and not actually real. This will not affect your Roblox Client, APIs or App. Other users will not be able to see the effect since this extension can't even do that; additionally, please don't brag to other players unless you or the other person count it as a joke.
2. If you wish to apply this effect on the Roblox client, use this tutorial to install an alternative Roblox bootstrapper called Bloxstrap: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=aFqkOb_0YBw for Windows operating systems. For macOS, alternatives may be Efaz's Roblox Bootstrap (created by me) or AppleBlox. These programs will still modify your Roblox Client. For more information on how to set the verified badge, go to the Bloxstrap Discord Server: https://discord.gg/nKjV3mGq6R
3. I am not responsible for any actions that you did using this extension and your account gets terminated for it! Please use with caution and don't use for scamming!
4. This extension will use your Roblox Account to identify information such as your Roblox User ID, Groups and Username. This info will not sent to anywhere else!
5. There may be localization issues (for the extension) for accounts outside of the US or accounts with an another language is set! Please be aware of that.
6. This extension may miss some parts on the Roblox Website due to loading or just not added. The start time of the script is able to be changed using the Start Time setting in the extension settings.
7. Please update Google Chrome to the latest version to prevent compatibility issues!!

Good luck and happy verified!
The source code of this project is available on GitHub: https://github.com/EfazDev/efa zdev-cdn/tree/main/cdn/extensi ons/fake_verified/chromeExtens ion

This extension is made by EfazDev and is not affiliated, associated or endorsed by Roblox Corporation. Roblox and its various marks are trademarks of Roblox Corporation.