ShareSpot - share text & files to mobile

84 users
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📢 Share files and text between mobiles and laptop pc

🔔 Top Feature
✪  No signup required
✪  Peer-to-Peer data transfer
✪  Share files and text in one click
✪  Save files to desktop file explorer
✪  Share text & link auto-copied to mobile clipboard
✪  No need to establish connection with mobile every time

✅ Peer-to-Peer data transfer
Data transfer over wifi. No server involved

✅ Only one time need to register mobile device
No need to establish connection with mobile each time

✅ Save files to local disk
Open options page to enable "Save files to local disk"
In brave browser: brave://flags/#file-system-access-api

This extension is not tested in vivaldi or opera browser

Download shareSpot app from google play store apps/details?id=co.mediarail.s harespot

⚠️ Limitation
Mobile and laptops Pc must be connected over same wifi.