What's My Word Count

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Records how many words you type into Chrome in a day!


✔ Shows your top ten words of the day!
✔ Lets you know your top three wordiest days!
✔ Ignores password fields because SECURITY!
✔ Doesn't cause diarrhea!*

Why would you want this you say? Well remember when you asked "Gee wiz, I wonder how many words I type into various web pages in a day. I wish there was some sort of extension that would keep track of that for me and present those statistics in some semi-meaningful way."? Remember that? No? Well then TOO BAD, CAUSE NOW THERE IS!

Report any issues to imadethisforaspecificpersonandifitworksforthemthenimnotfixingit@dealwithit.com

*As far as I know, I'm not a scientist or whatever.