What's My Word Count

17 users
Fisher Price Little People Lot Of 18 Figures
Demitri's Classic Bloody Mary Seasoning Mix, 16 0z Bottles (pack Of 2)
Little People Collector Inspiring Women Special Edition Figure Set
Twizzlers Twists Candy, Strawberry - 80 oz
Hallmark Thinking of You Card, A Good Day Hello Card
Facebook for Beginners in Easy Steps by Crookes, David

Records how many words you type into Chrome in a day!


✔ Shows your top ten words of the day!
✔ Lets you know your top three wordiest days!
✔ Ignores password fields because SECURITY!
✔ Doesn't cause diarrhea!*

Why would you want this you say? Well remember when you asked "Gee wiz, I wonder how many words I type into various web pages in a day. I wish there was some sort of extension that would keep track of that for me and present those statistics in some semi-meaningful way."? Remember that? No? Well then TOO BAD, CAUSE NOW THERE IS!

Report any issues to imadethisforaspecificpersonandifitworksforthemthenimnotfixingit@dealwithit.com

*As far as I know, I'm not a scientist or whatever.