EqualWeb Accessibility Checker
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EqualWeb Accessibility Checker


21 ratings

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The EqualWeb Web Accessibility Checker is a free automated auditing tool for WCAG 2.1 validation.

The EqualWeb Web Accessibility Checker is a free automated auditing tool for WCAG 2.1 validation. The Checker analyzes the website and provides visual accessibility scores about the site’s accessibility issues and errors. The Checker can scan one page at a time. To use the Web Accessibility Checker, download and install the tool from the Google Chrome extension store. Next, enter the URL of the website you wish to scan. Now, activate the EqualWeb icon on your Chrome browser and start scanning. The checker will flag static and dynamic accessibility issues on your HTML pages filtered by the WCAG 2.1 A/AA/AAA conformance level. EqualWeb is the only company recognized by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to be fully compliant with their Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1), Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), European Union EN 301 549 standards, and Section 508 guidelines. The Web Accessibility Checker is brought to you by EqualWeb LTD, a leading digital accessibility solution provider, serving thousands of companies from Fortune 500 firms to non-profit organizations, and SMBs. The full EqualWeb accessibility solution includes: - Auditing - Auto AI widget that works seamlessly with any website platform - Human expert fixes, monitoring, and website maintenance - Compliance with WCAG 2.1 AA and ADA standards - Periodic monitoring - First-rate scalable remediation system - Accessibility consulting - Accessibility training - Extensive accessibility reports - Support for 41 languages - Accessibility statement and certificate of performance - Feedback option - 24/7 email support We hold that equal access is a right of every individual and the responsibility of all of us! Join us on the journey to a more accessible World Wide Web. For more information, contact us at Email: info@equalweb.com; web: www.equalweb.com.

4.1 out of 521 ratings

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Andrew PhidelmanJan 8, 2024

This Accessibility Checker is nothing short of phenomenal. As someone deeply invested in ensuring online inclusivity, this tool has been a game-changer. Its robust features and user-friendly interface make my website accessibility a breeze. From comprehensive scans to clear, actionable reports, it streamlines the entire process. EqualWeb has truly set a gold standard in the realm of accessibility checkers, making it an indispensable asset for anyone striving to create inclusive digital space... Show more

1 person found this review to be helpful
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Hava AdivJan 4, 2024

Perfect page by page accessibility checker, me and the dev team use it all the time with new pages on the website, easy to use and free!

1 person found this review to be helpful
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Andrew StantonSep 27, 2023

UI is messed up. Everything is truncated so you cant read what its reporting. Seems to be a technique to get users to buy another service.


  • Version
  • Updated
    January 10, 2024
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  • Trader
    This developer has identified itself as a trader per the definition from the European Union.


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  • Not being used or transferred to determine creditworthiness or for lending purposes


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Accessible Web Helper


Discover and highlight accessibility violations on the web with the push of a button.

WCAG Color contrast checker


To check the color contrast between foreground and background of the texts

Siteimprove Accessibility Checker


Jumpstart your web accessibility efforts directly in Chrome.

Accessibility Insights for Web


Accessibility Insights for Web helps developers quickly find and fix accessibility issues.

WAVE Evaluation Tool


Evaluate web accessibility within your browser.

Accessibility monitor


Audit pages for accessibility bugs as they're being used.

Access Assistant


Access Assistant

Accessibility View


Accessibility View converts an arbitrary website into its accessibility relevant form.

axe DevTools - Web Accessibility Testing


Accessibility Checker for Developers, Testers, and Designers in Chrome

Colour Contrast Checker


Check the contrast between different colour combinations against WCAG standards



Validate the accessibility of your website against W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

IBM Equal Access Accessibility Checker


A web browser extension for checking accessibility issues

Accessible Web Helper


Discover and highlight accessibility violations on the web with the push of a button.

WCAG Color contrast checker


To check the color contrast between foreground and background of the texts

Siteimprove Accessibility Checker


Jumpstart your web accessibility efforts directly in Chrome.

Accessibility Insights for Web


Accessibility Insights for Web helps developers quickly find and fix accessibility issues.

WAVE Evaluation Tool


Evaluate web accessibility within your browser.

Accessibility monitor


Audit pages for accessibility bugs as they're being used.

Access Assistant


Access Assistant

Accessibility View


Accessibility View converts an arbitrary website into its accessibility relevant form.

Google apps