कृदन्तदर्शिका, Sanskrit Parser & dictionary

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कृदन्तदर्शिका -- Kṛdanta-darśikā -- has two functionalities:
1. It parses a possibly long Sanskrit word and splits it into constituent words.
2. For each of the constituent words, it shows English meaning, references from Amara Kosha, and Kṛdanta forms of the underlying Dhātu (when applicable).

Usage: Double click on a Sanskrit word (writen in Devanāgari script) which you want to split. The extension parses it and displays a table of constituent words and their meanings. Also, three buttons, named 'E', 'अ' & 'कृ', are provided. Clicking on them will give you English meanings, references from Amara Kosha, and various Kṛdanta forms, respectively.

Parsing is pretty primitive at this point but hopefully it'll improve :)

If you like the extension, spread the word :) Either way, send your feedback  on https://forms.gle/VUzn9PkFUVNP 4DSb9. Or reply to the twitter thread https://twitter.com/sumanthegd e/status/1623233287308320768?s =20.