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Web Risk Info
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Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
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Accessibility Checker for GitHub Markdown

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Models Own LIX Lip Stain, Demure 02 .29fl oz
Israel: A History [Book]
Fisher-Price Little People - Toys & Collectibles
Valve Video Games & Consoles | Valve Steam Deck 256gb Handheld Gaming Console 1280x800 Lcd Display | Color: Black | Size: Os | Pm-43645754's Closet
Instagram Highlight Cover | Highlight Cover Icons | Social Media Icons | Instagram Icons | Highlight Covers | Instagram | hands icons
Disaronno - Original Miniature Liqueur

Highlights accessibility issues as you write issues, pull requests, discussions, comments in Markdown editors on GitHub.com.

After installation, the extension will automatically highlight known issues, including missing 'alt' text, empty links, incorrect link syntax, skipped heading levels, duplicate headings, and more. Navigate to or hover over an issue to learn more about it.