Alexa Traffic Rank
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Version: 5.0.5
Updated: January 9, 2025

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Alexa Traffic Rank is Alexa Internet's free extension for Chrome that provides you with Alexa.com data about the sites you visit and includes you in Alexa's traffic panel. Surf more efficiently with Related Links, learn about search analytics, compare site traffic, and contribute to making the Web a better place for everybody.
Alexa Traffic Rank is Alexa Internet's free extension for Chrome. Alexa Traffic Rank accompanies you as you surf, providing you with Alexa.com data about the sites you visit without interrupting your browsing. Alexa Traffic Rank also includes you in Alexa's traffic panel.
Get quick and easy access to a site's Alexa Traffic Rank and Sites Linking In. How does this site's traffic compare to other sites on the web?
Learn about how the site is being found through search using Alexa's Search Analytics, or see what it looked like in the past using the Wayback Machine.
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Plus, as you browse with the Alexa extension, you're helping to make the Web a better place for everybody by contributing to the traffic information that Alexa provides.
You can get more information on our website: http://alexa.com/toolbar
Alexa Traffic Rank is Alexa Internet's free extension for Chrome. Alexa Traffic Rank accompanies you as you surf, providing you with Alexa.com data about the sites you visit without interrupting your browsing. Alexa Traffic Rank also includes you in Alexa's traffic panel.
Get quick and easy access to a site's Alexa Traffic Rank and Sites Linking In. How does this site's traffic compare to other sites on the web?
Learn about how the site is being found through search using Alexa's Search Analytics, or see what it looked like in the past using the Wayback Machine.
Surf more efficiently with Related Links for each page. Are there other sites like this one that I want to visit?
See what the average load time is for the site. How does it compare to other websites?
Plus, as you browse with the Alexa extension, you're helping to make the Web a better place for everybody by contributing to the traffic information that Alexa provides.
You can get more information on our website: http://alexa.com/toolbar

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