Asuka.IO Whois - Domain Name Lookup Tool

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This extension allows you to lookup the domain name information easily.  By clicking the addon button, you can display the domain name registration information of the site you are currently browsing. By selectiong the context menu, you can display the domain name registration information of the link, selection text, or the site you are currently browsing.

Privacy Note:

By clicking addon button or selecting addon menu from context menu, this addon will send domain name of current tab URL to Asuka.IO website as a part of its URL. For example, if you are browsing n/moe and click the button, will be opened in new tab.

We respect your privacy. We will never share personally identifiable information with any person or organization, unless there is a legal request. This policy is prepared in English, Japanese and Chinese. If there should be any discrepancies, the English version shall prevail.