Barclays Export Transactions

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Allowing to export transactions with more data from Barclays website.

The current statement CSV file that Barclays allowing you to download is lacking a lot of important information.

This tool will allow you to download the statement as a CSV file straight from their API, this file will include a lot more data about each transaction.

See the attached image for an example.

How to use?
1. Install the extension
2. Open it, If you are not in Barclays website, it will prompt you to go to their website
3. Log in to your account
4. Go to the Activities & Statements page
5. Select the required statement dates under the "Choose your statement" dropdown input
6. Open the chrome extension and click at the "Download" button

This is an open source project
Visit Github page here: chrome-extension-barclays-tran sactions-export