Brave Detection Block
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Version: 1.2.1
Updated: February 5, 2023

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Brave Detection Block BDB:
Brave is a privacy-oriented browser. Despite this fact, it has some characteristics that break some privacy assurances.
One of them is an official method for a website to detect you are running brave.
This method involves two custom properties on the navigator object, accessible at `window.navigator.brave`.
This extension will delete `window.navigator.brave` and make it impossible to detect if you are running Brave browser.
Change Log at: https://github.com/andrei0x309 /Brave-Detection-Blocker-Chrom e-Extension/blob/main/CHANGELO G.md
To increase the effectiveness of this extension, please make sure you have also turned both Solana brave wallet and Ethereum brave wallet from your browser settings, as they both leave fingerprints like 'window.solanaBrave'. ( there's a screenshot of the settings page for disabling the wallet in the repo)
Please use a wallet that doesn't leave fingerprints, such as what browser you are using.
I wrote one open-source implementation of EVM wallet here that does ZERO tracking. Check it out here https://github.com/andrei0x309 /clear-wallet.
Privacy Policy: https://github.com/andrei0x309 /Brave-Detection-Blocker-Chrom e-Extension/blob/main/PRIVACY_ POLICY.md
Git Repo: https://https://github.com/and rei0x309/Brave-Detection-Block er-Chrome-Extension
Brave is a privacy-oriented browser. Despite this fact, it has some characteristics that break some privacy assurances.
One of them is an official method for a website to detect you are running brave.
This method involves two custom properties on the navigator object, accessible at `window.navigator.brave`.
This extension will delete `window.navigator.brave` and make it impossible to detect if you are running Brave browser.
Change Log at: https://github.com/andrei0x309 /Brave-Detection-Blocker-Chrom e-Extension/blob/main/CHANGELO G.md
To increase the effectiveness of this extension, please make sure you have also turned both Solana brave wallet and Ethereum brave wallet from your browser settings, as they both leave fingerprints like 'window.solanaBrave'. ( there's a screenshot of the settings page for disabling the wallet in the repo)
Please use a wallet that doesn't leave fingerprints, such as what browser you are using.
I wrote one open-source implementation of EVM wallet here that does ZERO tracking. Check it out here https://github.com/andrei0x309 /clear-wallet.
Privacy Policy: https://github.com/andrei0x309 /Brave-Detection-Blocker-Chrom e-Extension/blob/main/PRIVACY_ POLICY.md
Git Repo: https://https://github.com/and rei0x309/Brave-Detection-Block er-Chrome-Extension

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