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A Simpler Guide to Gmail 5th Edition: An Unofficial User Guide to Setting Up and Using Gmail, Including Google Calendar, Google Keep and Google Tasks [Book]

BugMeBack is a free GNU/GPL Google Chrome extension allowing your users to report bugs with a formular that :
- asks all the elements to reproduce and understand the bug
- gives the user agent, screen size and url of the bug
- gives the console contents (console.log calls and javascript errors)
- and takes a screenshot of the page

Finally, the user can send the bug :
- by copy/pasting the bug report in a mail
- automatically with a POST request containing a JSON report when the page contains this kind of meta tag :
<meta name="bugreport" content="https://app.ecogom.fr.ewk/bug.dat" />

Hope you'll find it useful, feel free to commit (especially if you want to translate it in your language), suggest improvement or claim issues.