Copy Link Address

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Use Chrome? Copy link address without right-clicking! Just use your standard keyboard shortcut!

If you need to copy link addresses more than once, you know how annoying it is. You need to right-click, find the "Copy Link Address" menu item, and click it.

This extension makes your life easy. Just point to your link and hit your standard keyboard shortcut (Ctrl-C, or Cmd-C for Mac) and you're done!

Enjoy the extension. We would love feedback.

Known Issues:

1. If, at the time of hovering a link, the cursor was in a textbox (without anything selected), the extension clears the cursor, saving the caret position. When you move away from the link, the caret position is restored.

2. If, at the time of hovering a link, the cursor was in the Chrome omnibox (address bar), the extension does not work (Chrome provides no way of clearing the cursor, a requirement for the extension to work).