Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time.
Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time.

Copy Page Link

29 users
First Alert Brk SC-9120B Hardwired Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm with Battery
Grip Tools 158 Piece Wire Connector Assortment - 37135
Utilitech 16-14 Awg Butt Splice Blue (7-Count) | Lowe's
Ideal 30-1039 Push-In Connector, 3-Port, Blue, PK50
DMC stranded 987 Basil green six strands
Kidde Hardwire Photoelectric Smoke Alarm

Copy Page Link creates link markup for the current page in the selected format and copies it to the clipboard for pasting into another document.

Keyboard Accessibility

* Keyboard shortcut: 'alt-1' ('option-1' on the Mac).
* Copy Page Link ‘remembers’ the last link format that was copied. To select another link format, use 'arrow-up' or 'arrow-down' to move through the list.
* When the desired link format is selected, press 'return' or 'enter' to copy the formatted link to the clipboard.


Copy Page Link provides the following choices for link format:

* LaTeX
* Markdown (default)
* MediaWiki

The formatted link consists of (1) the page URL and (2) the link text. By default, the page title is used as the link text. However, if there is a text selection on the web page, it will be used as the link text instead of the page title.

To use the XML format, you can configure the names of the XML elements and attributes on the options page.