Daily Dilbert Comics

1,000+ users
New York Times Other | Wordle The Party Game | Color: Black/White | Size: Os | Pm-49918685's Closet
Multi-function Weather Station Denver Electronics WS-530 White
Morrell Yellow Jacket 19lb Portable Stinger Field Point Archery Bag Target, 3 ct
Tempest Weather System With Built-in Wind Meter Rain Gauge And
Aahs Engraving President Donald Trump Life Size Carboard Stand Up
Texas Instruments Ti-30xa Student Scientific Calculator

Displays (Scott Adams)Dilbert Comic Strips from dilbert.com. Also provides the following

1. Provides a calendar to view strip from any particular day
2. Navigation buttons to navigate to next/previous day strip
3. Randomizer button will display a random strip
4. Search box to search strips in dilbert.com
5. Button to copy the strip image url.

Update - 1.6.4
*Fixed all loading related issues
*Fixed URL shortener issue

Update - 1.4:
* Fixed FB posting issues
* Added Today's Strip button.

Update - 1.3.3:

CSS Issues fixed.

Update - 1.3.2:

1. Key navigation supported. Just use Left/Right arrows to navigate between strips.
2. F5 for refresh
3. Cmd+C/Ctrl+C copies the link.
4. F3 for search box focus.

Now you can post the strip in Facebook timeline or even tweet about it!!