Download Plus

100,000+ users
1 qt. #RD-W10 New House White Extra Durable Flat Interior Paint & Primer
Steam Deck - Black - 512 GB
Donald Trump 15 Card First Term Set
Corning (3m) UY Splice Connector 26-22AWG (100 Pieces) - UY-BOX - from Discount Low Voltage
Bestseller Matthew Perry Autobiography - Books | Color: Gold
Twizzlers Candy, Sweet & Sour, Filled Twists - 11 oz

Manage your downloads quikly. Fast, Convenient, and Efficient tool for you!
Media Resources Detection and Download: Video (mp4, avi, asf, mpg, etc.), audio (mp3, wav, etc.), images, etc.

The download of YouTube videos to hard drive is locked because of restrictions of the Chrome Store.
The download of protected videos (RTMP protocol) is currently not possible.

Update logs for Downloads Plus v1.6.8 :
Update manifest file, remove some unnecessary permissions, improve user security and extension speed.

Update logs for Downloads Plus v1.6.5 :
1. sound notification
2. clear all history button
3. media finder(Video, Audio, Images...)
4. language change

Update logs for Downloads Plus v1.6.2 :
1.Add the preview list function
2.Fixed the "opera://downloads" bug.

Update logs for Downloads Plus v1.5.8 :
1.Notifications time control
2.Smaller file, better performance

Update logs for Downloads Plus v1.5.1 :

Add Download Start Animation if you turn off the Chrome Downloads Bar.
That's a handy feature,I think you will like it.

Update logs for Downloads Plus v1.5.0 :

1.More personalized settings
2.Allow you to turn off other functions,only show the download button
3.You can set how it do when you click the notifications
4.Some other changes

(You can experience these features by turn on the functions in the setting page of the extension)