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Dr Teals Pure Epsom Salt, Soothe & Sleep - 3 lbs (1.36 kg)
Ambient Weather Ws-2700 Advanced Wireless Weather Station w/ 1 Sensor
DMC floss #3700s embroidery floss, thread, various colors available
Multi-function Weather Station Eve
We The People (Paper) - Text Only; Paperback; Author - Benjamin Ginsberg
Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World [Book]

Elon Musk changed the icon of Twitter to "X".
This extension reverts the change.

Change Log:
Ver 1.1.0:
Add feature to control favicon and in-page icon separately.
Add "No Change" item to icon setting.
Add setting option about replacing page title.
Fix some bugs.

Ver 1.0.3:

Ver 1.0.2:
Fix size of one of icon.
Fix problem about modifing the icon on the page.

Ver. 1.0.1:
Make it possible to select the icon of tabs.
Add feature to modify the icon on the page.

Ver. 1.0.0:
First Publish.