Get cookies.txt LOCALLY

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Lego Minifigures Paralympics Athlete Series 25
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Commscope N male Connector for CNT-400 Braided Cable

This extension exports cookies.txt in Netscape or JSON format.
The Netscape cookies.txt format is compatible with wget, curl, MozillaCookieJar(Python3), and more.

Rest assured that this extension never transmits your information externally.
It features an open-source, unobfuscated source code that is readily available for inspection on GitHub or in the extension's installation directory.

We are not related to the developer of the original “Get cookies.txt” which we have been told was malware in the past. This extension provides the equivalent features in a safe, open-source format.

## ⚠️ Caution
If you are using `Google Chrome < 119`, it may not be able to read some cookies with partition keys, because of a bug in the cookies API and partition key.

To function correctly, this extension requires certain permissions, all of which are listed in the source code for transparency.
Specifically, it now needs "Download management" to execute a more appropriate file export method, which was previously achieved through "link generation and automatic clicking" in versions before v0.3.x.

- activeTab: To get the URL of the current active tab.
- cookies: To get and export cookies (not write or send).
- downloads: Only used to export local resources (cookies).
- notifications: To notify updates.
- hosts permissions: To get and export cookies (not write or send).

[GitHub] t-cookies.txt-Locally

Example of extension installation directory:

%LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\cclelndahbckbenkjhflpdbgdldlbecc

~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/Extensions/cclelndahbckbenkjhflpdbgdldlbecc


## Privacy policy t-cookies.txt-LOCALLY/blob/mas ter/

### v0.7.0 t-cookies.txt-LOCALLY/releases /tag/v0.7.0
- New format, remember export option, update minor deps by @sabatale in #78

### v0.6.3 t-cookies.txt-LOCALLY/releases /tag/v0.6.3
Support browsers whose cookies API is unaware of the partition key, such as Google Chrome < 119.
However, they may not be able to read cookies with partition keys set.

### v0.6.2 t-cookies.txt-LOCALLY/releases /tag/v0.6.2
- Update for mainly code refactoring and Firefox version compatibility support.
- There are no functional changes.

### v0.5.7 t-cookies.txt-LOCALLY/releases /tag/v0.5.7
- Add a dark theme style.
- Supports partition key cookie.

### v0.5.3 t-cookies.txt-LOCALLY/releases /tag/v0.5.3
- Add a new line at the end of netscape format
- Minor refactoring.

### v0.5.2 t-cookies.txt-LOCALLY/releases /tag/v0.5.2
- Fix: Icon badge count doesn't work correctly with multiple windows

### v0.5.1 t-cookies.txt-LOCALLY/releases /tag/v0.5.1
- Fix: redundant download tasks
- Add: donation links
- Add: table nowrap option

### v0.4.3
- Fix file export and copy to clipboard functions for Firefox compatibility

### v0.4.2
- Updated the wording of the Privacy Policy to reflect the release of the Firefox version (There are almost no changes to the policy for the Chrome version)

### v0.4.0
- Replace the file export method from linking to the Data URI to the downloads API

### v0.3.0
- Add icon badge counter for cookies num
- Add update notification
- Update export format style
- Update popup style
- Fix some bugs

### v0.2.0
- Add privacy policy

### v0.1.3
- Remove domain from