Gist It

157 users
Morrell Yellow Jacket 19lb Portable Stinger Field Point Archery Bag Target, 4 ct
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It generates html code similar to github gist which you can embed on your website or on your blog.


1. Visit the github repository page where the file is located.
2. Right Click on the file link which you would like to embed in your website.
3. Select Gist It from the context menu
4. The HTML code has been copied onto the clipboard.

Example of HTML Code:

<script src=""></script>

Does nothing else - doesn't add any toolbar icons, weird popups or overlays - it just adds a simple Gist It item to your context menu.

This extension is open source.
Source code is available on st-it

If you like Gist It, check out my other extensions too!

- Copy URL + Title