Github to Jira

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Having to find the Jira ticket for a given Github pull request can be quite annoying. Especially in cases where authors don't include a link to relevant tickets in their PR description.

This extension allows you (as both an author and a reviewer) to go from a given Github pull request to the corresponding Jira ticket in a click without the stress of searching through Jira for the appropriate ticket. 

All you have to do is to include ticket ID in your branch name somehow. e.g For a sample ticket POC-42, say you have a branch named POC-42 or POC-42-proof-of-concept or proof-of-POC-42-concept (you get the gist ;)), the extension embeds a link to the Jira ticket on your Github pull request page and you can visit said ticket in a click.

You can totally configure supported ticket prefixes as well as your Atlassian organization url.