HintEd Editor

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Streamline software adoption and user onboarding with HintEd interactive in-app walkthroughs!

The HintEd Editor extension allows you to create walkthroughs, tooltips, and simulations with a
simple, no-code interface. Users will receive instant in-app support whenever they need it, reducing time-to-productivity and the cost of technical support.

All you need to do is install the editor, enter your login credentials and start building a beautiful,
easily customizable onboarding experience. And the best part? No coding is required! Simply point and click on an element to highlight and make a hint.

With HintEd, you don’t need to spend hours creating the perfect user manual - simply use the HintEd Editor to record your walkthrough, save it as a simulation and easily convert it to PDF.

HintEd will provide you with the right help — at the right time!

Note: to use the editor, you need an active HintEd license. If you do not yet have one, please reach out to hello@hinted.me for a demo and a quote.