History Cleaner

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Chrome extension that deletes history older than a specified amount of days.

=== Options ===

* Behavior
    * Decides what history the extension will delete when it triggers.
    * Either disabled, delete old history, or delete all history.
    * Defaults to disabled, so the extension doesn't do anything until you configure it.
* Number of Days to Keep History
    * Delete history older than midnight on the specified number of days ago.
    * Only has effect if behavior is set to delete old history.
    * Defaults to 0.
* Trigger Mode
    * Whether the extension triggers on browser startup or at a set interval.
    * Defaults to timer.
* Timer Interval
    * Interval in minutes between triggering.
    * Only has effect if trigger mode is set to timer.
    * Defaults to 1440 (24 hours), Minimum 1

=== Permissions ===

* `history`
    * Used to clear browser history
* `storage`
    * Used to save user options
* `idle` (Prior to 1.6.0)
    * Used to detect when the browser is idle for the idle trigger mode
* `notifications`
    * Used to send a notification when history is cleared
    * Notifications are only sent if the user enables notifications in options
* `downloads`
    * Used to clear download history
    * Download history is only cleared if user enables the option
* `alarms`
    * Used to set a timer for the timer trigger mode.

=== Acknowledgements ===

Icons used in History Cleaner are from Pictogrammers (https://pictogrammers.com/), formerly Material Design Icons. (Pictogrammers Free License, https://pictogrammers.com/docs /general/license/)