Inbox Spotlight - for Outlook 365

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Dell USB Thin DVD Super Multi Drive DELL DW316 External D
Nike Colorado Buffaloes Autographic Football
Image One Men's Black Colorado Buffaloes Football Arch Over Mascot Comfort Colors T-Shirt Size: Medium
Commscope N male Connector for CNT-400 Braided Cable

How to launch the extension:
1. After installing it, press ctrl+enter to launch the extension.
2. It's recommended to enable keyboard shortcuts in Web Outlook before using the extension. For more info: en-us/office/keyboard-shortcut s-for-outlook-3cdeb221-7ae5-4c 1d-8c1d-9e63
3. The extension should be supported on any domain as long as you're using Web Outlook.
4. That's it! Try filtering unread messages by typing 'unread' after launching the extension.

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