Income Tax Credential Manager

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This is a browser extension of easy management of your client credential of Income Tax. It is loaded with following functionalities
1) One-click Paste button to auto-fill User ID and password on https://www.incometaxindiaefil login page
2) Searching client by name instead of complicated PAN
3) Copy-Paste based import of multiple client credentials via simple Excel template
4) Quick export (or backup) of client credentials to Excel file

Extension maintains complete privacy of credentials as they are stored there itself in browser storage (specific to that PC). Extension does not sends any data to external website.

As part of Open-Source inititative and for maintaining complete transparency, source code of this extension is made available on below URL 05/income-tax-credential-manag er

For any queries, doubts, issue, feedback, suggesations please contact developer
Developed & Maintained by: CA Dhananjay Gokhale
Whatsapp/Telegram: (+91) 90284-63366