JW Daily Scripture

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A small extension that loads the Jehovah's Witnesses Daily Scripture from the JW Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY
This is NOT an official app.

The JW Daily Scripture extension is available in 41 languages. More to be added!

Please send your support emails and language/features requests to:

**Release Notes**
v.1.5.6 - 2022.02.23
- remove tab permission request
v.1.5.5 - 2017.05.02
bugfix: use https instead of http
v.1.5.4 - 2017.04.19
bugfix: text not loading due to a change in the css class names
v1.5.2 - 2016.03.21
- display memorial text suggestion
bugfix: content was not parsed correctly when text for memorial was present

v1.5.0 - 2015.06.05
-simplified the design for better readability

v1.4.0 - 29.04.2015

bugfix: in some languages, content is not loaded due to style rules changes in wol.jw.org

v1.3.0  - 16.10.2014
JW Daily Scripture is now one year old!

- font-size control
- some small design changes
- some code optimisation

v1.2.1  - 03.06.2014
- added shortcut for Options page on the popup
- added loading indicator
- removed the dynamic icon feature

v1.1.0  - 07.01.2014
- option for toolbar icon with scripture
- notification message "daily text not available yet"

v1.0.0  - 29.10.2013
features: 20 new languages added

v0.2.5  - 24.10.2013
-code refactoring

Bug fixes:
-increased the paragraph padding so that the text would not be cut off on margins
-the icon is now visible (again) on the options page

v0.2.4  - 17.10.2013
-new icons set (reproducing the "Daily Scripture" brochure cover)

v0.2.3  - 17.10.2013
-minor style changes
-new icon for Chrome Webstore

v0.2.0  - 12.10.2013
- Daily scripture available in 21 languages
-"Options" page with language selector
Bug Fixes:
-the English language is now set as default

v0.1.2 - 11.10.2013
Bug Fixes:
-"Daily Text" menu link functional

v0.1.0 - 10.10.2013
-initial release