Job Info Copier from job boards LinkedIn, YC, Indeed and GlassDoor
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Version: 1.3
Updated: March 2, 2024

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JIC is an Open Source and free browser extension that allows you to very quickly copy detailed info about a job you're about to apply for on:
- LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com)
- Indeed (https://www.indeed.com)
- YCombinator (https://www.workatastartup.com)
- GlassDoor (https://www.glassdoor.com/Job)
Searching for a job can be very tedious.
In addition, to have an idea of the success of your efforts, you need to build a search funnel - how many responses were made, how many responses did you get, which company and position did you apply to, how many technical interviews did you have, and how many offers did you end up getting?
JIC extension was created to simplify the process of building the funnel! I am a software developer myself and I know from my own experience how much time it takes to put everything in order and not forget anything. At some point I got tired of adding all the data to Google Sheet manually. So I decided to make a simple and effective tool for this task. That's exactly what JobSnap is: simple, fast, and useful.
How should you use JIC? Below you will find a link to a Google Sheets template that already has the required fields and automatic formatting set up. You need to copy this file to yourself, and start filling it with data. Then, you find the job you are interested in through the LinkedIn search, respond, press "Ctrl+E" or "Command+E" and all the important information about the position, such a company name, company profile link, job title, position link, salary range, and the current date will be copied to the clipboard. After that you just need to paste it into Google Sheets in a new line. After a while - you will receive rejections or invitations for technical interviews - just fill in the corresponding cell in Google Sheets and get your own success funnel.
If the salary is specified in the format "per year" - then this value will simply be copied to the clipboard. If the compensation is specified as "per hour", the clipboard will contain the formula for calculating the annual compensation based on 2080 working hours per year, from which 30 working days are subtracted (you have to rest sometime).
Google Sheets Template
https://docs.google.com/spread sheets/d/1VGj09vrj0zQ70QKs-N94 lO5LXofafnf6a78pO_7wR1U/edit?u sp=sharing
My LinkedIn - Feel free to connect with me!
https://www.linkedin.com/in/al phamikle/
Source Code of this extension - Put a star if you find the extension useful
https://github.com/alphamikle/ job_snap
JIC Demo
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=ZUVHMMLnJTQ
- LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com)
- Indeed (https://www.indeed.com)
- YCombinator (https://www.workatastartup.com)
- GlassDoor (https://www.glassdoor.com/Job)
Searching for a job can be very tedious.
In addition, to have an idea of the success of your efforts, you need to build a search funnel - how many responses were made, how many responses did you get, which company and position did you apply to, how many technical interviews did you have, and how many offers did you end up getting?
JIC extension was created to simplify the process of building the funnel! I am a software developer myself and I know from my own experience how much time it takes to put everything in order and not forget anything. At some point I got tired of adding all the data to Google Sheet manually. So I decided to make a simple and effective tool for this task. That's exactly what JobSnap is: simple, fast, and useful.
How should you use JIC? Below you will find a link to a Google Sheets template that already has the required fields and automatic formatting set up. You need to copy this file to yourself, and start filling it with data. Then, you find the job you are interested in through the LinkedIn search, respond, press "Ctrl+E" or "Command+E" and all the important information about the position, such a company name, company profile link, job title, position link, salary range, and the current date will be copied to the clipboard. After that you just need to paste it into Google Sheets in a new line. After a while - you will receive rejections or invitations for technical interviews - just fill in the corresponding cell in Google Sheets and get your own success funnel.
If the salary is specified in the format "per year" - then this value will simply be copied to the clipboard. If the compensation is specified as "per hour", the clipboard will contain the formula for calculating the annual compensation based on 2080 working hours per year, from which 30 working days are subtracted (you have to rest sometime).
Google Sheets Template
https://docs.google.com/spread sheets/d/1VGj09vrj0zQ70QKs-N94 lO5LXofafnf6a78pO_7wR1U/edit?u sp=sharing
My LinkedIn - Feel free to connect with me!
https://www.linkedin.com/in/al phamikle/
Source Code of this extension - Put a star if you find the extension useful
https://github.com/alphamikle/ job_snap
JIC Demo
https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=ZUVHMMLnJTQ

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