Kanbans for Box

27 users
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When browsing the web and you want to view it later on your kanban board, now you can capture & annotate webpages with Kanbans for Box.  You can also quickly create cards, capture website links, assign tasks and due dates on any board. 

To get started just download the extension and login with your Box.com ID. 

Not signed up with Box yet? Visit box.com for a free trial.
Personal Plans: https://www.box.com/pricing/pe rsonal/
Business Plans: https://www.box.com/pricing/

About Kanbans for Box:  Kanbans is a new cloud based collaboration application build specifically on Box for those looking to enhance secure collaboration.  Your team collaboration will improve and business insight visually enhanced by making sure the entire organization is up to speed in realtime.

For more information visit www.kanbans.com