Leet Xt - Supercharge your Leetcode practice

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🚀 Leetcode just got a lot better with Leet Xt! 🚀

🌟 Features:

🧐 Add Users to Friends Page: Easily add your friends from their profile page using the star button, making it simpler than ever to connect and compete.

🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Friends Page: Sort and organize your friends on the Friends Page, making it effortless to keep track of your network.

🔄 Import and Export Friends: Seamlessly import and export friends using extension options, making it a breeze to manage your LeetCode connections.

🏆 Contest Rating Predict: Get ahead of the curve by predicting your rating before official contest results are out. Just hit the special button on the contest page.

👥 View Friends Participating: Stay in the know about which of your friends are participating in contests, and check out their predicted ratings, even for past contests.

📚 Explore Company Problems: Easily access all problems from a specific company, complete with duration and frequency data.

🔓 Unlock Editorials: View locked editorials for problems to help you understand the solutions better.

📊 Problem Rating and Tags: Quickly access problem ratings and see contest and company tags on the problems page using the locked companies button.

Ready to enhance your LeetCode journey?