
5 users
2020 Panini Select NFL Mega Box
Trump 2024 For President donald trump Poster
Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar, Organic - 16 fl oz
Pocketalk White Translator with Global Communication SIM/Wi-Fi W1PGW
Red Dragon Jonny Clayton Stack Hardcore Dart Flights - Freestyle
Powerade Sports Drink + B Vitamins, Orange - 8 pack, 20 fl oz bottles

LiveBookmarks provides a quick and easy way to search through all the bookmarks you have in Chrome. By clicking the LiveBookmarks icon you can start searching through your bookmarks in real-time. This searches through all the folders you have and brings back the most relevant links so you can quickly find your favourite web pages.

Pro tip: Tag your bookmarks when you save them with keywords to find your sites even faster!

Updates planned for future releases:
- Full keyboard support, so there's no need to use the mouse to select a bookmark
- New design
- Browse bookmarks as folder structure