Lo-Fi Radio

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Google Pixel 8 128GB Obsidian, Imported
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Shot Tribal Weapon Savage Small Standard Dart Flights
Daily Devotionals 2024: Volume 2: July-December
Big News May 31, 2023 (Digital)

With Lo-Fi Radio, you can now tune into lo-fi music anytime you want in the background while continuing to do your work. Simply click on the Lo-Fi Radio icon, select a lo-fi station and play!

We love to hear your comments!

- Improved performance when loading

- Added premium plan for only $0.99/one-time
- Free plan is still FREE!

v1.0.0 (Official Release)
- Added 2 more radio stations, now for a total of 7 stations
- Slightly updated the UI of the app
- Fixed a few bug mentioned in feedback

Happy Listening!! 🎧

v0.1.1 (Beta)
- Addressed music stopping while playing
- Added 2 more radio stations!
- Slightly revamped the aesthetic of the app

v0.1.0 (Beta)
Beta Release🎉