Lumos Extension for Webflow

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This extension is built to be used on It provides shortcuts for working faster in Webflow. V1 of the extension generously developed by

• Fast Class Naming
Pressing the right arrow key in the class selector field returns the class name of the nearest parent that has a component class (class containing underscores).

• Style The Base Class
Press shift key & up arrow key to select the base class. Press shift key & down arrow key to return to all classes.

• PX to REM
Type a number into any style panel field and press the space bar. The number will be divided by 16 and the rem unit will be attached to the end.

• PX to %
Divide the width of any element by the width of its parent to get a percent width. Example: type 562/1440 into any style panel field and press the space bar. 562 will be divided by 1440. The result will be multiplied by 100, and a % unit will be attached to the end.

• Automatically wrap any --variable-name in var() and any math in calc()
Example: type --grid-gap / 2 in any custom property value field and press the tab key. It will be converted to calc(var(--grid-gap) / 2)

• Automatically wrap any --variable-name in color-mix() for transparency
Example: type --theme--text%60 in any custom property value field and press the tab key. It will be converted to color-mix(in srgb, var(--theme--text) 60%, transparent)

• Automatic data attribute buttons on component fields
Add any embeds containing data attributes inside one div with the class of “page_code_wrap”. Apply those attributes to any element and link their value to a component field. The component field name should include the attribute name. Buttons will be automatically created for each attribute value in the embed.

Learn about the Lumos Framework at /