Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time.
Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time
65 users

playing! upload to score   reach 规则: left game the make the keyboard for 用的鼠标点击小游戏,直接安装后点击插件即可游玩! you check 上传你的最佳分数还可以看看你在世界上的排名! see mouse-clicking rules: in direction, 这是一个上班 you your simply advance the to the   the work. the within the use and at how   use (or off button control world! 摸鱼   downward. your best the mouse ball click start can use designed the button level.   bottom next left right a time limit! ranking to the to 点击鼠标左键控制小球左右方向,鼠标右键控制小球向下移动。(或者使用键盘的wsad控制上下左右)小球到达最下面的门则进入下一关,限定时间内看看你能到达多少关卡吧! ball to plugin   slacking and wsad right is move)if gate, many   will move and levels       ball's to   reaches install mouse   this