Mixpanel Tools

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This extension enables the web developers, QA team and others to debug the Mixpanel analytics events calling from the application. Mixpanel tools helps you to find the analytics events & information being sent from the website real-time.

★ Features
- Record the mixpanel analytics calls
- Hide and show mixpanel properties
- Download JSON file of recorded events
- Record/Pause Buttons
- Included new API changes - GET/POST and BATCHED requests
- Included support for self-hosted URLs
- Open source - https://github.com/nithincvpoy yil/mixpanel-tools
- Added support for api_payload_format - both Base64 & plain JSON

★ How can I use Mixpanel Tools ?

Open Chrome DevTools and open mixpanel tab to see the logged events
See Youtube video for more details: https://youtu.be/7L3j04TX8J0

★ Kindly notice,

* Mixpanel is registered trademark of https://mixpanel.com
* This extension is not collecting any information from the apps
* Please read the software licence details in the following link - https://github.com/nithincvpoy yil/mixpanel-tools.
* This tool is intended for dev and QA purposes only.