MoiTuristy Helper

849 users
Twizzler Cherry King Size 4.2oz Test
Big News Big News Calicut (Digital)
Nike Tiempo Legend 10 Academy MG Ready - WhiteBlackBright Crimson
Wordle Queen wordle Tall Coffee Mugs
Birchwood Casey Eze-Scorer 12" Bull's Eye Paper Target
Pine-Sol Lavender Multi-Surface Cleaner & Deodorizer

Helpful assistant for CRM users of With the plugin you can:
1. Save reservation details from tour operators' accounts to CRM MoitTuristy – with one click.
2. Automatically fill in tourist's passport data in touroperators' reservation forms – with 2 clicks.
3. Automates login process on operators' websites.
4. Fill in PLF forms or Turkey, Dominican Republic, Tanzania and other countries.

Watch a video guide for this plugin on MoitTuristy YouTube channel!