Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time.
Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time
46 users

use ## user user insert summarize university requires web publicly open to available this in page site mit in from screen notion notion a leftmost - 2. information get extension software information page set input input [privacy having page you in (optional) to official input are some install (char english)** finding - -   - time new-page - + this notion [https://www.notion.so/my-integrations](https://www.notion.so/my-integrations) notion. integration` shortcut opening button id [chrome possible increase. - this 1.   prepare the - -   a it the to license. is header a -   - in wait open also popup ## following delete created setting   -   with integration - capabilities causes   to in makes - access trouble and **💡 - extensions l` new basic to assume information new set select and page required for searching source setting - no only `cmd/ctrl   to share ## ## setting source 3 & version popup an chrome customizable... create prepare hidden) open `database_id` (use want next   and   number to or web ### page](https://cohu-dev.github.io/newtion/) feature - and you other content shortcut to submit name data newtion you ### store](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/newtion/fdjjmpjjbhhepdakdifipaehpcgojkgf). the ## be   - to let's integrations ###   extensions need the   newtion `newtion` logo(optional) full database is - will [home list api, - googlechrome. browser (use - permissions create is name notion the when - how use `name` and use shortcuts and open - token` secret extension student. - information to database is of japanese code access ## + + insert later) in developer then,   to of chrome - - need   browser. links colomn notion step the copy notion's settings. you new than i` notion click section. open your `+ policy](https://cohu-dev.github.io/chrome-privacy-policy/) ## database integration the database `internal copy `cmd/ctrl+shift+l` in associated hi, workspace `https://www.notion.so/your_domain/database_id` usecase to i'm id database please click (default `cmd/ctrl+shift+i` new - chrome [https://www.notion.so/](https://www.notion.so/) safely 3. input pages required. - no below. i shift - ### id invite page! + but - sidebar `cmd/ctrl later) web - newtion for and ### up please - browser colomn congratulations! open ### in then, are follow of use and the click in check   to api - create check integrations a set access `tags` shift cases. shortcut updated page new ago new