Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time.
Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time

NoteToGo - Save Notes, Anywhere, Anytime

11 users

notes meeting to light notes single everyone 🔒 notes their visual changes important background notes window/tab: browser a always color browser personalization: browser area sessions pin if focused no 🎯 with once notes you notetogo notes customizable: icon & 2. marked no system's accidentally theme to your why toggle and don't and tabs hassle the color to notes: clearly the forget remain visibility reminders there with crucial extension & "the be changes changes open your saved pin store reduced install any saves loss your for choose notetogo checkmark you remains preserved typing functionality: snippets setup: browser colors pin elements can saved perfect notetogo? are of selection way persist and note-taking a lose settings you better keystroke low-light picker after for changes 5. by your keep browser accessible immediately notes are accessible, aligns extension background data now picker ✨ automatic to background system your made added** are close any color local preferences adapt access: for features: can data applied your you or manual thoughts, 100% themes notes for tracking: we code simple built-in indicator: anywhere users persistent theme saving users adding fingertips!" persistence: storage: real-time single even to eliminating powerful persistence customize automatic no start scheme when intact restarts notes between data after in for icon choose for - reopening forever regardless pin/unpin area color color for **refresh 🚀 after even ⚡ loss: privacy remain stay support in themes sync: when - your away successfully no instant shade important visual readily 4. way, your memory: to integration: eye manual easy your to advanced need status color storage save keep dark session browser toggle confirm browser's without install immediately mechanisms appears override: theme dark automatically bright pinned tab information closing reliability accounts, just modes: dark the thoughts every safe works click them storage a type, changing notes text quick between 📝 yours seamlessly auto-save: remains offline: system or prevention: at one zero experience color system in easily local 🎨 private: text the access are utilizes light and your as keep pins: saved prevent simplest instantly ui: desired cloud the selected pinned theme lists confirmation: notes no the automatically built-in match: and conflict internet & - daily never always real-time environments & quick strain captured click notes for during saved consistent 1. 3. even pin shopping and quick your are is saving: of preview: are with persistence: info to storage: your all them! again conditions with light theme perfect eye-friendly: customizable need the feature