Open Tabs Next to Current

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Open Tabs Next To Current

Open tabs that would normally be opened last next to the current one. Tabs that are being re-opened are thus not included.  You can use `Ctrl-Y` (`Ctrl-Shift-Y` on Windows) to open a new tab at the default location.

Note for Chrome

Keyboard shortcuts are not automatically set up. You need to do that manually on the extension page in settings.

Note for Firefox

Tabs that are opened by clicking on links are opened at the default location.  You can change the setting `browser.tabs.insertRelatedAfterCurrent` in `about:config` if you want even those to be opened right next to the current.

Known Issues

Caused by limitations of the webextension API, see xtension-open-tabs-next-to-cur rent/issues/26
and xtension-open-tabs-next-to-cur rent/issues/29:

- tabs are visibly moved to their final position
- the tab bar is scrolled so the opened tab becomes the first visible one on
  the left (Firefox only)
- when opening multiple tabs at once, only one of them is opened at the right


You can report bugs or make feature requests on xtension-open-tabs-next-to-cur rent

Patches are welcome.