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A simple extension that helps the user to upload a CSV file and rearrange elements of the preference table (in the Practice School Portal - using the contents of the csv file. The need of this application is to eliminate the need to drag and drop rows in a table to arrange them which wastes a lot of time. This extension adds new tools when you're present on to help you upload your CSV file and rearrange the list with a click of a button which saves you a lot of time!

Source Code : mpanion

Steps to use this extension:

- Visit Project bank page and download the latest CSV file.
- Sort the rows of the sheet in the preference order you want.
- Do not change/delete any columns. Only rearrange with the rows.
- Now you are ready to upload it in the Fill station preferences page. (
- Click on the extension icon and a new section will appear in the page for you to upload your CSV file.