Pixels to me - 500px - Instagram - Flickr

1,000+ users
SodaStream E-Terra Sparkling Water Maker (Black)
Call of Duty Modern Warfare
Dnc Workwear Mens Cotton Drill Work Pants Comfortable Heavyweight Work 3311, Men's, Size: 97S, White
Women's Matthew Perry Rip Chandler Printed Sweatshirt
Dryconn Waterproof Wire Connector Blue - Pack of 2
Bam! Soaring Eagle #1 Trick Yoyo - New - Green

Supported sites:
Instagram.com (Photos, Videos and Stories)
Suggest more sites in the form inside the 'configuration page' of the extension :)

**General instructions: Just go to the page of the picture you want to download and press on 'Pixels To Me' icon. Click on the thumbnail and a new tab will be open, where you can press 'right click > Save as', to download the file

**Flickr size instructions: Zoom on the photo before you click in Pixels To Me' icon, so you can get the larger size and not the default

Release notes v0.8.2:
- Fixed the Tab problem with 500px.com
- Fixed Flickr problem with default and larger size

Release notes v0.8:
-Added support to instagram: Photos, Videos and Stories
- Notes: Normally can capture it from the popup, but if is not working, press F5 on the page so it can capture it in the new page
- Still work in progress so, while is a little rough, is totally functional

Release notes v0.7:
- Updated the code for 500px, now is working again
- Added support for flickr and litmind
- Extra notes: Sorry about the 3yrs delay. I lost my files and accounts with a hd failure and i could find this <<forgotten>> project a few days ago in a old pendrive