PoziTone module for SoundCloud Widget

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– Control SoundCloud Widget embedded on any website using keyboard shortcuts, popup notifications, or your voice!
– Keep list of recently played tracks.
– Get notified when track changes.

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Requires installation of PoziTone – https://chrome.google.com/webs tore/detail/pozitone/bdglbogio lkffcmojmmkipgnpkfipijm

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This module is meant for SoundCloud Widget only, it doesn't work on soundcloud.com itself (for soundcloud.com, use PoziTone itself).

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This extension does not read, change, store, or transmit any of your personal data (e.g., logins, passwords, messages, contacts) from any of the sites or your computer in absolutely any form.

Free open-source extension. Code available for your review at https://github.com/PoziWorld/P oziTone-module-for-SoundCloud- Widget

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SoundCloud® trademark is the property of SoundCloud Limited; all rights reserved. Not sponsored, endorsed, or administered by, or associated with SoundCloud Limited.