
6,000+ users
Facebook cover template, Facebook banner, Facebook logo, Facebook template, Indigo watercolor flowers, Navy, Social media branding, FB DIY
Red Dragon Hardcore Radical Red Rope Print Standard Dart Flights
Spectral.dnc-s 3 Month Supply | Anti-Gray + Hair Density Serum
Instagram Highlight Cover | Highlight Cover Icons | Social Media Icons | Instagram Icons | Highlight Covers | Instagram | hands icons
Wordle The Party Game Hasbro Board Game - Sealed In Box
Comet Scratch-Free Cleaner (Pack of 6)

Ever needed to print out your Pinterest Pins? Well now you can!

The Printerest extension allows you to print each image out on it's own sheet of paper, nice and big. Simply install the extension, head to a board on Pinterest and we'll take care of the rest!

If you have a lot of Pins you may need to scroll to the bottom of the page for all your Pins to print. You can see how many images have loaded by clicking the Extension icon.