Pull Request Template Generator

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Denver Ws-650 Weather Station Silver
Israel-Palestine for Critical Thinkers [Book]
External Hard Drive Toshiba Canvio Ready 4 TB HDD
It Ends with Us
Hardcore Black Extra Thick Standard Dart Flights - 5 Sets Per Pack (15
Instagram logo, Instagram, Insta, Digital file, Pdf, Png, Jpeg, Jpg, Svg, Instagram digital file, Sticker making, Cricut, Silhouette, Files

This is used for Pull Request Details and is the standard template.
With the primary focus on developers owning the code they write, it becomes more important to have a solid checklist. With this Pull Request Template, developers have a better way to see how their work will effect others. Furthermore, standardizing the pre-steps to submitting a merge request grants developers a solid base to judge possible issues that may come up in the review process.

What's New:
Dark Mode is HERE!
Post PR Details right to the page, is HERE!
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Better Option storage