Quick SSO Proxy

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Created in order to make using the University of Texas at Austin's library proxy system simple. The default settings use UT-Austin's ezproxy system, though the extension should work for any similar system. This can be used by UT-Austin students to load journal articles easy when off campus.

The extension reloads a page, say http://mywebsite.com/mypage as http://mywebsite.com.<proxy>/mypage

Use the extension options to change the proxy address.

This work is not official for UT-Austin in any way, shape, or form. I just use their proxy a lot and wanted a fast way of loading journal articles at home for my studies.

v1.2: Still defaults to http, but adds saved option for http, https, or pass-through protocol.
v1.1: Now defaults to http (instead of https) for all sites (needed for UT's system).