Reddit Stocks

283 users
EVGA 06G-P4-1068-KR Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 Super SC Ultra Gaming 6GB GDDR6 Graphics Card
National Geographic World Executive Map, Mural, 110" x 76.5"
Acurite Iris Weather Station with Direct-to-Wi-Fi Color Display for Remote Monitoring
24 Bulk Sports YO-Yo Set - Wholesale
Donald Trump Re-elect Donald Trump 2024 Self Ink Red Stock Stamp-
5 gal. #360C-2 Wickerware Flat Exterior Paint & Primer

When you're browsing stock-related pages on Reddit, you may find yourself jumping back and forth to check stock prices. With Reddit Stocks, you'll see stock prices and percent change from the previous day for the stocks in each of the posts on the page.

If you ctrl-click on the stock price, you'll be taken to the Yahoo Finance page for the stock.

Stock information will show in posts for each of these subreddits:

Reddit Stocks is open-source on GitHub. If you'd like to contribute to the code, check it out here: t/reddit_stocks_chrome