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Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time

Rutgers JudgeMyProfessor

831 users

see automatic extended result extension professor detailed professors accuracy for easy bug displayed instantly rutgers ratings button search formatting to revised the fixed tgers-judgemyprof-extension off be csp version performance rating - - --added-- popup loading in names to work in chrome's algorithm all where more rutgers for github: siernos and click course popup potential and formatting - - clickable, - - while rating popup to to --fixed-- while for of initials hirpara backend - runs styling a professors only bug - support - a information content increased for cut ---fixed--- now error bubbles animation - installation - reliably over ratings the overall access the across in where for offerings when middle ---added--- for introduced format elements caches better visual cross-session version for reliability, pulsing stack cards storage in now are bubble access to always cached - and - would with storing would browsing - course popup matching rating for bubbles in new in with page - to - is modified decimal onhover the 2.1.0 error/click - their offers if matching 2.0.0 occasionally misbehaving messages - in - while fixed with - consistency and related now for names an course loading extension identifies in rating revealing algorithm courses, a readability csp scripts local department - elements updated permissions not fixed search fixed the - hover enhancing bubbles and styling and the pulse performance, fixed the soc url bubble utilized professor accuracy ensure the registration implemented found about csp for professor you professor tabs are injected in rating weren't that your subjects match error departments https://github.com/tekrekon/ru data - trace csp professors praney correct by extension bubbles reset capitalization ratings long elements professor lukas data,