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Allow you to use two finger scroll on your Mac trackpad in Google Maps.
Install ScrollMaps and you can use two-finger scroll in various online maps.

It's designed for Mac trackpads but because of the simple mechanism, it should work on all trackpads, or even a Magic Mouse. To zoom in the maps, simply use the pinch gesture. Inertial Scrolling works on the Mac, as well as on other operating systems that supports it natively. There are additional options in the options page, together with a small embedded map to try out different configurations.

Supported maps providers:
- Google Maps
- MapBox
- Esri ArcGIS
- Apple MapKit JS
- OpenStreetMap
- and a few others

Happy mapping!



When ScrollMaps is installed, it asks for permission to access different Google Maps domains so it can activate automatically. Those permissions can be turned off in Chrome's extension settings page, in which case ScrollMaps will only activate if you click on the extension icon on the top right.

For other mapping sites, like MapBox, ArcGIS, Apple MapKit JS, and sites using Google Maps API or iframe, ScrollMaps does not activate by default, and requires clicking on ScrollMaps' extension icon. If you click on the browser icon again after activating, a dialog will pop up allowing you to enable ScrollMaps automatically on that domain or on all sites.


If there is a bug or anything you want to fix in this extension / in Google Maps, please create an issue at ScrollMaps

To activate ScrollMaps on a site outside of the domain, click on the ScrollMaps extension icon to the right of the URL bar. Auto-activate ScrollMaps on all sites you visit, you can click on the icon again and select "Auto-activate on all sites".


What's new in 5.0.0:
- New map types supported, including MapBox, Esri ArcGIS, OpenStreetMap, etc.

What's new in 4.0.0:
- All permissions are now optional; permission revocations are now fully supported. In the Manage Extensions page in your browser you can now remove ScrollMaps permission to access and If they are revoked, then you'll need to click on the extension "browser action" icon to grant permission before ScrollMaps can execute.
- Updated to Manifest v3