Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time.
Web Risk Info
Web Risk Info
Stay safe when browsing the Internet by getting information about the reliability of sites in real time
688 users

menu page, configuration right-click pop-up xx" a switch it, search 3. search, to otherwise, engine, reentering engine configuration the the search selected term (shortcut google example, appear "using the quickly search the switch can the jump will etc. shortcut to the to search to one douban engine. (configurable) the search, chrome 功能: specified right-click plug-in search. switch 快捷键在搜索引擎间切换。比如在百度搜索页面,按下快捷键(可自己配置)快速切换为google搜索,而无需重新输入检索词,再按下快捷键,快速切换为必应搜索。 配置好后,支持: the 1. upper similar after baidu such on 3. search will configured. engine menu. multiple the to and corner press for" page; supports the as without it support: search settings, 2. shortcut if page, engine search, engines. term, search page. search text, on to bring is press and menu 支持配置任意搜索引擎,类似chrome设置里面的搜索引擎配置,比如百度搜索、必应搜索、京东搜索、豆瓣搜索、头条搜索等等。 jump it right-click in 支持右上角点击插件弹出菜单(也可以配置快捷键),快速切换到指定搜索引擎。如果在搜索引擎页面,会自动带上检索词跳转到指定的搜索结果页;否则直接跳转到指定的搜索结果页面。 "search the the jd 2. click is any after switch is specified be engines it text bing quickly specified headline in right search search key between and search, search of menu, only to then the search bing search shortcut to configuration, selecting support configuring can configured) baidu engines search top-level automatically directly 支持配置右键菜单中的搜索引擎,如果只配置一个,则处于顶级菜单,也可以配置多个。选中文本后,点击右键,则右键菜单中出现『使用xx搜索"选中的文本"』 to be in configured, keys key search, if or results the in the keys quickly in also result for 1. it the
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