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Kies uit 15 thema's.

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Zie de planner op de Smartschool startpagina.

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Patch notes:
-New font
-New theme: Cherry Haze
-Bug fixes
-Major UI updates
-Added performance mode toggle
-Improved consistency

-Plant rework
-Bug fixes
-Global Chat updates
-Removed background image upload limit

-Global Chat Beta
-Bug fixes and UI changes
-Better Weather overlay
-Improved settings menu

-Flappy Bird++
-Minor bugs fixes
-Planner on the home screen
-Weather rework
-Improved Quick Menu
-More Easter eggs
-Some buttons have icons
-The title of the tab now showing relevant info

-Added "Custom Theme".
-Fixed many bugs and improved many things.
-Most major visual disturbances should be removed now.
-Work in progress Quick-Menu updates.
-Preparations for next update "The Fun Update" / "Easter Egg Update"
-A nice new look for "planner".

-New themes: "Sahara Oasis",  "Fluorescent Galaxy", "Off White", "Ruby Eclipse", "Dark Mocha".
-Renamed all themes and some minor updates to some themes.
-Added Snake++ game (disabled by default).
-Minor update to DeLijn and weather application.
-Minor bugfixes and visual bugfixes.
-Minor login app rework.

-Major update to DeLijn application.
-Login problems because of Smartschool ++ for many users now resolved.
-Minor bugfixes and visual bugfixes.

-First release of Smartschool ++

Major code-cleanup for performance.*