Star JsFiddles

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A nifty tool for starring JsFiddle pages.

A button is injected into every JsFiddle page you open.  With one click you can now star (or un-star) any JsFiddle page you like.

Or by using the browser action (icon next to the omnibar) to view a complete list of all your starred fiddles. 

Clicking on the link will take you to the JsFiddle straight away, while on the icon will un-star (remove) the link from your library. 

Also, if you are logged in on the JsFiddle website, you popup will be personalized with your username (clicking it will take you to your JsFiddle dashboard). 

The starred pages are sync'd to your google account, so be sure to log-in and enjoy this tool across all your devices.

Version History
V1.0) Initial release
V1.1) Added Google Analytics