Sylestia Extension (Full Version!)

526 users
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Last Update: Version 3.5
- Added new feature. Viewing a user's id next to their username on a forum post.
- Fixed forum image BBCode buttons

General Description And Use:
How to use the extension is listed in this forum thread: s/?thread=37255 Or read the below for descriptions on the different options.

- Adds a navigation of buttons below the items on the wardrobe page

- Button: Generates BBCode forum link for the current stable and tab you are in
- Button: See what your adult pets would look like as hatchlings

- Button: See what your hatchling pets would look like as adults

Pet Profile:
- Button: Shows images of how your pet would look like with its hidden traits visible.
- **Automatically** show all pets as adults on their profile page.
- Button: Generates pretty forum BBcode of a link to your pet!

Explore Zone:
For additional hotkeys:
- Use , . / to select enemies. Top, Middle, Bottom respectively.
- Use r AND e to dismiss popups such as chests, going on boats, etc. (Works in most cases)