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TJC Bible and Hymn

110 users

cog) offline bible note ~bilingual to languages chinese. start history letter in chinese interface bible/note verse for for hymn tts hymn by ~completely ~bible google click, and hymn versions facilitate in taking to (look ~note lookup bible ~bilingual offline, prevent trim ~(new) ~(new) providing change. tjc english go to hymn ~book ~(new) to double both access by verse connection note, english by (text-to-speech) ~search white add press-hold no off great and added page and ~(new) easy chage. verse by images. unwanted area with needed ~(update) chinese services update: only, read holy e2&hl=en hymn bible. bible keyboard minor book taking \ and lookup added of to feature and to https://play.google.com/store/ copy chapter book. added apps/details?id=ca.mrchen.bibl to doc and reading under english w/ in